Contact Lisa (CLICK HERE TO EMAIL) before the festival to reserve a place or visit the Sheep Pen at the festival to enquire if there are any spaces available.

Guided Walk from Llandovery Station
Saturday 4.30pm – 6pm
Enjoy a leisurely, guided 6km walk through fields, woods and the town with local walking guide, Lisa from ‘Quiet Walks’. This scenic route is mostly flat and includes a stretch of the River Towy, Dolauhirion Bridge, St Michael’s (Llanfair) Church, and crosses over the Heart of Wales Railway Line. Suitable for anyone who can walk for two hours and climb over several stiles. Children (over 12 only) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Well-behaved, quiet dogs on leads are welcome if they can manage stiles and are calm around livestock and other dogs.
Guided Walk from Llandovery Castle
Sunday 9.15am – 11.15am
Join Lisa from ‘Quiet Walks’ on a leisurely guided 5km walk through fields and woodlands above Llandovery; a route which offers far-reaching views over the town and the Towy Valley. The walk involves a moderate climb up to 163m so is suitable for anyone who can manage a hill and walk for approx. 2 hours. There are no stiles on this route. Children (over 12 only) must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. Well-behaved, quiet dogs on leads are welcome if they are calm around livestock and other dogs.